7.3.5 BEST TANK CLASS IN LEGION | Top Tank Rankings for Antorus & Mythic+ | Tier 21 Ranked | WoW
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Discussion & ranking video about the BEST TANK CLASSES in legion FOR PATCH 7.3 / 7.3.5. Describes what could possibly be the best raid setup for Antorus, the Burning Throne (normal | heroic | mythic) raid and mythic+ (5-man) content. Ranks the viability of (Blood Death Knights | Protection Paladins | Protection Warriors | Brewmaster Monks | Vengeance Demon Hunters | Guardian Druids) tier 21 and provides rankings based on the tiers and class viability in World of Warcraft: Legion expansion!
This video displays my thoughts about tanks in Legion expansion for patch 7.3.5. I look at mythic+ and raid content and base my views on world first class compositions, Warcraft logs data for raids and raider.io data for mythic+ content!
External Videos/Resources Used:
Antorus Tank Guide:
Vengeance Demon Hunter (Shakib) +27 DHT World First:
Protection Paladin (Blueprint) Honestly Vs Mythic Felhounds of Sargeras:
Brewmaster Monk (Pumpsx) Honestly - Mythic Varimathras:
Guardian Druid (LevoGames) Unknown Entity vs. MYTHIC ARGUS THE UNMAKER:
Protection Warrior (Lalasenpai) Lethal - Mythic Aggramar:
Blood DK (Naowh) Court of Stars +27 World First:
Patch 7.3 Shadows of Argus: World of Warcraft Legion expansion.
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Angevin - Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
This video displays my thoughts about tanks in Legion expansion for patch 7.3.5. I look at mythic+ and raid content and base my views on world first class compositions, Warcraft logs data for raids and raider.io data for mythic+ content!
External Videos/Resources Used:
Antorus Tank Guide:
Vengeance Demon Hunter (Shakib) +27 DHT World First:
Protection Paladin (Blueprint) Honestly Vs Mythic Felhounds of Sargeras:
Brewmaster Monk (Pumpsx) Honestly - Mythic Varimathras:
Guardian Druid (LevoGames) Unknown Entity vs. MYTHIC ARGUS THE UNMAKER:
Protection Warrior (Lalasenpai) Lethal - Mythic Aggramar:
Blood DK (Naowh) Court of Stars +27 World First:
Patch 7.3 Shadows of Argus: World of Warcraft Legion expansion.
Became a monthly supporter and help the channel with Patreon:
MadSkillzzTV Discord:
Green Man Gaming referral link:
Amazon referral code (USA only):
Angevin - Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (