10 Best Scrapped Content in World of Warcraft
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From expansion ideas scrapped following the Azeroth revamp to a playable race that just barely didn't make the cut, we count 10 features scrapped during the life of WoW that might've turned out kinda nice.
Various gameplay clips supplied by ReznikShaman:
If you'd like to suggest a future discussion or countdown video, please leave a post over at or upvote the one you want to see made!
Likewise, comments left on reddit may be featured in future videos.
- Tweet/follow me at
- If you'd like to leave some anonymous feedback for the channel, then drop me a quick line at:
- WoW Discussion playlist:
- Fifth expansion for WoW
- Level cap 100
- Updated (new) character models
- Stat changes
- Build and upgrade your garrison
- Item squish
- Group finder
- Instant level 90
- 9 new zones: Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley, Gorgrond, Talador, Spires of Arak, Nagrand, Tanaan Jungle, Ashran, Farahlon
- 7 dungeons: Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Blackrock Depot, Auchindoun, Arrakoa Spires, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, Iron Barracks, Upper Blackrock Spire
- 2 raids: Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry
- Characters: Garrosh Hellscream, Kairoz, Kargath Bladefist (Shattered Hand), Blackhand (Blackrock), Kilrogg (Bleeding Hollow), Ner'zhul (Shadowmoon), Gul'dan (Stormreaver), Grommash (Warsong), Durotan (Frostwolf), Velen, Khadgar, Maraad, Yrel
Legal footnotes
- All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
- "Kool Kats" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Various gameplay clips supplied by ReznikShaman:
If you'd like to suggest a future discussion or countdown video, please leave a post over at or upvote the one you want to see made!
Likewise, comments left on reddit may be featured in future videos.
- Tweet/follow me at
- If you'd like to leave some anonymous feedback for the channel, then drop me a quick line at:
- WoW Discussion playlist:
- Fifth expansion for WoW
- Level cap 100
- Updated (new) character models
- Stat changes
- Build and upgrade your garrison
- Item squish
- Group finder
- Instant level 90
- 9 new zones: Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley, Gorgrond, Talador, Spires of Arak, Nagrand, Tanaan Jungle, Ashran, Farahlon
- 7 dungeons: Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Blackrock Depot, Auchindoun, Arrakoa Spires, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, Iron Barracks, Upper Blackrock Spire
- 2 raids: Highmaul, Blackrock Foundry
- Characters: Garrosh Hellscream, Kairoz, Kargath Bladefist (Shattered Hand), Blackhand (Blackrock), Kilrogg (Bleeding Hollow), Ner'zhul (Shadowmoon), Gul'dan (Stormreaver), Grommash (Warsong), Durotan (Frostwolf), Velen, Khadgar, Maraad, Yrel
Legal footnotes
- All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated.
- "Kool Kats" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0