AWC SL Circuit Season 2 | Week 3 Day 1 | Full VOD

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The top eight teams from both North America and Europe face off in a four-week round robin for their share of the $160,000 (USD) total prize pool and one of four invites per region to the 2021 AWC Grand Finals. Top 4 of each region will compete for $300,000 in the 2021 AWC Grand Finals!

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Match Schedule - Week 3 Day 1
M1: Tegridy Damp vs Horizon
M2: Cowana Gaming vs BadluckBones
M3: Skill Capped vs Method EU
M4: Reload Esports vs Creed
M5: Cloud9 vs They Like
M6: Method NA vs Hamsters & Hares
M7: OTK vs Unitas Blue

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