Havoc Demon Hunter Dragonflight Levelling Builds & Launch Preparations

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Havoc Demon Hunter Dragonflight Leveling Build, Guide & Prep

Launch night is just around the corner and it’s going to be an absolutely crazy time, as most launch nights generally are.

Havoc Demon Hunters tend to have it easy around this time because of how we’re built.. We’re just built different.

But there are some steps you can take to make sure you’re set and ready to go on the 28th.

We’ll start with the obvious - Clean out your bags and your bank. Get rid of all that trash that’s been sitting there since Season 1 BUT - Don’t delete any gear just yet. At least not any gear above the 290 ilvl range because we’re going to talk about that a bit later and you may want to hang onto some of those pieces.

Consumables are a great way to give yourself that extra bit of advantage when it comes to questing..whether it’s fighting a rare elite, a huge pack of mobs or even coming out the victor in a War Mode battle.

First and foremost, you should absolutely have a stack of flasks. These should generally be pretty cheap right now and the extra primary stat you get is huge.

Dps pots are also very useful. Buy a few stacks and use them liberally. If you’re stingy with them and only use them during boss fights or something, you’ll probably be left with some once you hit 70 and they’ll be worthless to not just you but everyone else by that time. So buy a bunch and use them often.

When it comes to gems, you should swap all of your gems to Mastery. Mastery not only boosts our damage but it ALSO increases our movement speed and move speed is super valuable during the leveling phase. The quicker you can get around, the quicker you’ll be able to level and get ahead of everyone else. You may also want to consider subbing out one of those Mastery gems for a gem called “Straddling Jewel Doublet”. This gem gives you speed for each Shadowlands gem you have socketed with it. So you can see how this will add up.

For food you can go two ways. One being Iridescent Ravioli with Apple Sauce (gross) for Mastery OR the Fried Bonefish which gives you movespeed every time you defeat an enemy. Personally, I’ll be using the Bonefish but it’s up to you.

Other than that you’re going to want the standard stuff - Health pots, Armor kits, Sharpening stones, Augment runes (if you don’t have the infinite one, they are very cheap on the AH) and drums.

Your gear is something you can plan ahead for as well, we know that Legendaries won’t work as soon as you step into Dragonflight content so we can try to replace those items right away. What ever slot you have your legendaries currently, try to replace them with something of higher ilvl and better stats. Because the legendaries capped out at 291, even fully upgraded m+ items should be better.

If you’ve been using lower ilvl Veinrippers because of the proc effect, you can swap those out too for weapons with stats on them. As of right now, the veinripper proc effect DOES seem to be working past level 60. If you have max level rippers you may want to keep using them for a few levels or just use one in your offhand and put something with good secondary stats in your main hand. As you level up, agility and secondary stats become more valuable to you and the fact that veinrippers don’t have them will start to become noticeable.

For trinkets you’ll want to swap out any trinkets that give you effects over time like Eye of Command etc and replace it with a stat stick or a solid On-Use effect trinket. Personally, i’ll be keeping my Fusion Amplifier and replacing my Cache with something like a Dreadfire Vessel. Something that gives me a big burst of damage to defeat elite or rare mobs quicker.

So now we’ll tackle talents and builds. There’s two ways you can go while levelling.
The first way is building your talents towards something that will be very similar to how you’ll be playing at level 70. This will include momentum, essence break and throw glaive talents. It would be in your benefit to start playing these talents if you’re not already familiar with the playstyle, so by the time you get to 70, you kinda know what’s up.

Alternatively, you can level with a non-momentum build which is totally okay too. Just know that you’ll be switching things up pretty drastically once you get to 70. This build also plays with Demon’s Bite instead of Felblade, Demon Blades… Because I know the type

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