Solo Kil'jaeden [Tomb of Sargeras]

41 941
For world first hunter kill, check out shoots kill here:

I did attempt this guy back in Legion with less success... However now our damage has scaled so well that we can actually "beat" the berserk!

Ilvl: 341

For this fight you want to maximize your damage done, since he has 4M HP, the berserk timer is real tight. You also lose 1 minute when he is in the air, and also some additional time when you get put into the shadow phase!

Survival isn't an issue for a prot pala, thats why I suggest you get all possible dmg increases.

Inspiring Vanguard is an amazing azerite trait. You will almost have 100% uptime on the strength increase. Pick Blessed Hammer to maximize the uptime. Seraphim is also amazing since it has scaled really well into BFA (1k each stat.. yes please!)

Get all possible buffs (war-scrolls, food, rune, flask and potions).
Speed potion might be good for the shadow phase... Tho I decided to use the strength potion instead to burn him down.

Rotation wise to maximize damage I suggest Judgment - Avenger Shield - Blessed Hammer - Consecration. Make sure you have Shield of the Righteous ready for Seraphim!


Phase 1:
As a tank, damage isnt an issue. Make sure you stay close to the middle however to not get knocked off the platform.

This phase you can easily cleave down the spawned add, and keep focusing on your damage done.

Shadow Phase:
Pray to be lucky with RNG and get out of this phase as fast as possible. I had a real lucky run to be able to find Illidan this fast!

I did end up in Berserk, thankfully my CDs would sustain me long enough to finish him off. I even had Bubble ready to be used so would have managed a few more % before I died.

Make sure you do not get knocked off however, so think of positioning. I didn't avoid the Darkness of a Thousand Worlds... I wanted to prioritize damage.


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