Havoc DH UPDATED Raid Build for 10.1 | Talents, Gearing, Opener, Rotation & Tips

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In this NEW build, we’re ditching Serrated Glaive and Relentless Onslaught to pick up Restless Hunter towards the bottom and 2 points into Blind Fury.

We’re essentially getting the same amount of extra Eye Beam damage AND gaining a fury generator from Blind Fury, all while removing the need to cram Throw Glaive into your rotation.

We are losing a bit of Annihilation damage because Serrated Glaive was also buffing it by 20% and Relentless Onslaught was contributing.. I guess.

BUT We’re able to grab Restless Hunter which is a decent compromise and allows us to do some hefty Death Sweeps in our opener. Which is always fun.

It doesn’t FULLY make up for all the lost damage but frankly, it’s just easier to play and you’ll probably perform better without Serrated Glaive anyway.

All the other talents are the same. We’re still taking Essence Break, of course. If you need a refresher on how that whole thing works I’ll put a link to one of my other videos at the end of the video.

you want to be gearing Crit/Haste for most of your items.
You’ll also want to use every tier slot minus the legs to get your 4pc set bonus.
The legs are the worst stats of the bunch.

When it comes to crafted items, first and foremost you’ll want the Toxic Thorn Footwraps. These are a must.

Now to make those boots really shine, you’ll need a Toxified Armor Patch on another piece of crafted leather gear - Most likely your pants (because we’re not using tier in that slot) or your belt. This counts as your 2nd embellishment and literally DOUBLES the damage effect on the boots.

Other than the boots and pants, you can consider crafting a neck piece, a ring, a belt or even bracers.

For weapons, you’ll want to use two Crawgtusks from The Underrot. These are your best options for pure Single Target. And this is a Single Target Raid Build guide, remember?

Your two best trinkets are the Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser and the Elementium Pocket Anvil, both of which come from the new raid and should be fairly easy to get.

Immolation Aura at 3 seconds
Sigil of Flame at 2 seconds
Fel Rush to generate fury (this is from your Isolated Prey talent) and to consume Unbound Chaos
Eye Beam to enter Demonic
Annihilation to use your Inner Demon proc
The ol’ Vengeful Retreat into Essence Break spinarooni
Death Sweep
Death Sweep
Annihilation to spend Inner Demon again
Eye Beam
And then The Hunt

You may have noticed that The Hunt is used AFTER the opener now. This is because of the recent buffs to Annihilation and Inner Demon bumping up that ability on the priority list but hey if you’re a creature of habit and enjoy using The Hunt on pull, you can still do that with very very minimal impact.

The actual rotation outside of your opener is also incredibly simple once you understand it.

You do your Essence Break combos every 40s

Because we’re playing the Cycle of Hatred talent, we’ll be getting another cast of Eye Beam to use in-between Essence Break windows…Assuming you’re spending fury properly.

If Essence Break is still more than 8 seconds away from being able to be used again, you’ll want to go ahead and cast that Eye Beam and then re-sync it with Essence Break when it’s ready again.

If Essence Break is LESS than 8 seconds away from ready, you’ll probably want to hold that Eye Beam for juuust a few seconds so you can so you can have everything line up nicely.

Since we’ve taken the talent Isolated Prey, we can actually use Fel Rushes for our main source of fury generation simply by doing our best to keep Momentum up. What this means is that you want to avoid pressing Fel Blade as much as possible. You’ll have more than enough fury from Fel Rushing and it frees up a global that you can use on Death Sweep or Annihilation.

Secondly, do WHATEVER you can to cast as many Death Sweeps and Annihilations as possible during Demonic. Doing things like Vengeful Retreating through the enemy’s hitbox or at an angle so you’re able to stay in melee range or even staying close while you’re dodging a mechanic can boost your DPS for a few reasons.

With all of this information you should be able and ready to BLAST in your next raid…As well as Havoc Demon Hunters can.

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Havoc DH UPDATED Raid Build for 10.1 | Talents, Gearing, Opener, Rotation & Tips

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