Havoc Demon Hunter Dragonflight Prepatch Guide

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here’s your quickstart guide for Havoc Demon Hunter in the Dragonflight Prepatch
This is going to be as bite-sized and to the point as possible so you can get going
Right away when you log in for pre-patch.

What are we keeping?
- Covenant Abilities, Soulbinds & Legendaries

What are we losing?
- Tier set bonuses

What are we GAINING?
- Brand new talent trees
Which give us access to 3 out of 4 of our covenant abilities AND the potential to combine all of the extremely powerful things we’ve had in the past

Our Stat Priority has changed!
We’re no longer Haste Monkeys
and we actually have proper scaling with our stats
What you want to look for now is CRIT and MASTERY gear

Right away at the top of our spec tree is the newly designed First Blood which makes the first hit of Blade Dance do Chaos damage. This immediately gives us a good reason to press Blade Dance again.

Critical Chaos
The chance that Chaos Strike will refund 20 fury is increased by 50% of your Critical Strike chance

Know Your Enemy
- Gain critical strike damage equal to 100% of your critical strike chance
Naturally a critical strike is 200% of normal damage - Double the amount
Now let’s say you have 50% crit - your critical hits are now doing 250% increased damage
And let’s not forget, in prepatch we’ll still have the seasonal affix Shrouded to give us an extra chunk of raw crit %.

not only is Crit increasing our chance to get a critical strike
It’s also increasing our fury generation AND directly increasing the damage each critical strike deals.

What does our Mastery do? It increases Chaos damage based on how much Mastery we have.
This has gone from being our absolute WORST stat to one of our best with just a few changes.

First Blood which makes the first hit of Blade Dance do Chaos damage. This immediately gives us a good reason to press Blade Dance again.

Eye Beam is chaos damage and its soft target cap was increased to 5, meaning it’s doing more damage than before. It’s also buffed by Know Your Enemy

Any Means Necessary
Which convert any arcane, fire, frost, nature and shadow damage into CHAOS damage which then means, those abilities are amplified by your Mastery.

So, abilities like The Hunt, Immolation Aura, Burning Wound, Demon Blades, Sigil of Flame, Elysian Decree, Fel Devastation from Collective Anguish and if all goes according to plan…Sinful brand will all be converted to Chaos and their damage heavily increased by Mastery.

Let me rip this bandaid off quick - We’re still playing Venthyr
BUT, before you start thinking of rerolling, let me just say this. We’ll have Collective Anguish AND Darkglare at the same time so brand uptime will literally be a non issue.

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