Sargeras Summons Argus With The Pantheon Titans Cinematic [WoW Legion - 7.3.5]

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The Battle for Argus reaches it's climax. We finally arrive at the Seat of the Pantheon to face Argus, the Unmaker!

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The battle for Argus reaches a climax at Antorrus where Argus, the Unmaker rises at the Seat of the Pantheon. Well there's the end of Legion (so far). WIth the victory at Antorrus, the Burning Throne, Illidan stays back with the Pantheon, in his final sacrifice against Sargeras. Meanwhile, Sargeras stabs Azeroth at Silithus, inflicting one final wound!

Outro Music:

Vanilla WoW returns!:

For those who want to see more previews of the upcoming patch, I've got a few of the most significant cutscenes coming with the questing experience on Argus. Please enjoy:

7.3 Battle for Argus:
Pantheon Cutcsenes:
Velen escapes Argus Flashback:
Sargeras Meets The Triumvirate:
Alleria Harnesses the Void:

World of Warcraft belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.

For those wondering, I do indeed add various video/audio effects to enhance the image and audio, for your viewing pleasure. This includes adjusting frame rate, saturation, light/shadow contrast, audio kbps etc.

As for many of the images; they are sent to me by friends in bulk as they find them randomly on google. If anyone ever finds the appropriate author/source please post it in comments so people can see it!

Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).

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