The Humans of Vanilla - Music & Ambience (1 hour, 4K, World of Warcraft Classic)
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Humans (aka mankind or humanity) in Warcraft are a resilient species native to the world of Azeroth. Many live in the Eastern Kingdoms, once known as the Azotha.They founded seven kingdoms that banded together in the Second War.
Humans native to Northrend were often forced into slave labor in the magnataur kingdoms of ancient history. Since the Third War, the kingdom of Stormwind has led humanity and is a powerful stronghold of the Alliance.
Humans are among the youngest races on Azeroth, but they make up for it by being the most populous. With life spans generally shorter than the other races, humans strive all the harder to achieve great heights in empire building, exploration, and magical study. Their aggressive and inquisitive nature lead the human nations to become active and influential in the world.
Such was the case prior to the orcs' original invasion through the Dark Portal. Human kingdoms suffered greatly in the three wars against forces of the demonic Burning Legion's creating, The Horde in the first two, and The Scourge in the third.
Lordaeron, a former human city, is decimated - a battlefield for forest trolls, the Scourge, Forsaken, ogres, and other creatures.
Theramore Isle is an independent state that keeps close ties with Stormwind and is under the watchful leadership of the young mage Jaina Proudmoore, formerly of Kul Tiras. The city-state of Dalaran, with its powerful mages, still retains some control over Hillsbrad and Silverpine Forest and has recently moved its capital above Crystalsong Forest in Northrend to battle the threats arising here. In addition, there is an independent human enclave in the Arathi Highlands, the remnants of the Kingdom of Stromgarde. It is rumored the once-allied empire of Gilneas is still flourishing and populated with humans, but no word has been heard of them for years.
Music from The Humans of Vanilla (Factions series), together with music & ambience:
00:03 Stormwind OST
02:19 Elwynn Forest OST
05:24 Tavern OST
06:35 Tavern Alliance 2
07:29 Forest Day 2
08:47 Stormwind Intro
09:41 Stormwind 7
11:08 Sacred OST
12:19 Stormwind 6
13:07 Stormwind 8
14:18 Plains Day 1
15:15 Plains Day 2
16:35 Plains Night 1
20:48 Duskwood OST
28:02 Plains Day High Seas
30:02 Stormwind 5
31:06 Stormwind 1
32:35 Stormwind 7
35:20 Stormwind 3
42:02 Forest Day 1
45:07 Forest Day 2
46:25 Forest Day 3
Stormwind, Elwynn Forest, Tavern, Duskwood, Sacred original soundtracks are composed by Jason Hayes, Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke and Glenn Stafford (Part of the World of Warcraft (Original Game Soundtrack) Album)
Forest (Day), Stormwind (Zone / Moment), Tavern Alliance, Plains themes are composed by Jason Hayes
Main areas from The Humans of Vanilla (Factions Series), captured in WoW Clasic:
00:00 Elwynn Forest Northshire Valley / Abbey
03:00 Elwynn Forest Goldshire
07:00 Elwynn Forest The Maclure Vineyards
08:00 Elwynn Forest Eastvale Logging Camp
09:00 Stormwind City Valley of Heroes
11:00 Stormwind City Cathedral Square
13:00 Stormwind Keep
14:00 Westfall The Jansen Stead
15:00 Westfall Sentinel Hill
16:00 Westfall Moonbrook
17:00 Westfall Lighthouse
18:00 Redridge Mountains Lakeshire
20:00 Redridge Mountains Stonewatch Keep
21:00 Duskwood Darkshire
22:00 Blasted Lands Garrison Armory
23:00 Blasted Lands Nethergarde
24:00 Burning Steppes Statue of Anduin Lothar
25:00 Wetlands The Lost Fleet (Kul'Tiras)
26:00 Wetlands Menethil Harbor
28:30 Dustwallow Marsh Theramore / Jaina Proudmore
31:00 The Barrens Northwatch Hold
33:00 Durotar Tiragarde Keep
34:00 Arathi Highlands Refuge Pointe (Stromgarde)
35:00 Arathi Highlands Stromgarde Keep
38:00 Arathi Highlands Thoradin's Wall
39:00 Hillsbrad Foothills Durnholde Keep / Syndicate
41:00 Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore / Tavern
46:00 Alterac Mountains Ruins of Alterac
48:00 Hillsbrad Foothills Hillsbrad Fields
49:00 Alterac Mountains Dalaran (Ruins)
51:00 Silverpine Forest Ambermill (Dalaran)
52:00 Silverpine Forest The Greymane Wall (Gilneas)
54:00 Silverpine Forest Pyrewood Village & Shadowfang Keep
55:00 Eastern Plaguelands Stratholme
56:00 Tirisfal Glade Ruins of Lordaeron
59:00 Western Plaguelands Uther's Tomb
59:00 Outro (Don't click!!)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
Please subscribe, like and share the video to encourage me to create more content.
World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footages, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved.
Tyler Vittetoe
Michael Maaß
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Humans native to Northrend were often forced into slave labor in the magnataur kingdoms of ancient history. Since the Third War, the kingdom of Stormwind has led humanity and is a powerful stronghold of the Alliance.
Humans are among the youngest races on Azeroth, but they make up for it by being the most populous. With life spans generally shorter than the other races, humans strive all the harder to achieve great heights in empire building, exploration, and magical study. Their aggressive and inquisitive nature lead the human nations to become active and influential in the world.
Such was the case prior to the orcs' original invasion through the Dark Portal. Human kingdoms suffered greatly in the three wars against forces of the demonic Burning Legion's creating, The Horde in the first two, and The Scourge in the third.
Lordaeron, a former human city, is decimated - a battlefield for forest trolls, the Scourge, Forsaken, ogres, and other creatures.
Theramore Isle is an independent state that keeps close ties with Stormwind and is under the watchful leadership of the young mage Jaina Proudmoore, formerly of Kul Tiras. The city-state of Dalaran, with its powerful mages, still retains some control over Hillsbrad and Silverpine Forest and has recently moved its capital above Crystalsong Forest in Northrend to battle the threats arising here. In addition, there is an independent human enclave in the Arathi Highlands, the remnants of the Kingdom of Stromgarde. It is rumored the once-allied empire of Gilneas is still flourishing and populated with humans, but no word has been heard of them for years.
Music from The Humans of Vanilla (Factions series), together with music & ambience:
00:03 Stormwind OST
02:19 Elwynn Forest OST
05:24 Tavern OST
06:35 Tavern Alliance 2
07:29 Forest Day 2
08:47 Stormwind Intro
09:41 Stormwind 7
11:08 Sacred OST
12:19 Stormwind 6
13:07 Stormwind 8
14:18 Plains Day 1
15:15 Plains Day 2
16:35 Plains Night 1
20:48 Duskwood OST
28:02 Plains Day High Seas
30:02 Stormwind 5
31:06 Stormwind 1
32:35 Stormwind 7
35:20 Stormwind 3
42:02 Forest Day 1
45:07 Forest Day 2
46:25 Forest Day 3
Stormwind, Elwynn Forest, Tavern, Duskwood, Sacred original soundtracks are composed by Jason Hayes, Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke and Glenn Stafford (Part of the World of Warcraft (Original Game Soundtrack) Album)
Forest (Day), Stormwind (Zone / Moment), Tavern Alliance, Plains themes are composed by Jason Hayes
Main areas from The Humans of Vanilla (Factions Series), captured in WoW Clasic:
00:00 Elwynn Forest Northshire Valley / Abbey
03:00 Elwynn Forest Goldshire
07:00 Elwynn Forest The Maclure Vineyards
08:00 Elwynn Forest Eastvale Logging Camp
09:00 Stormwind City Valley of Heroes
11:00 Stormwind City Cathedral Square
13:00 Stormwind Keep
14:00 Westfall The Jansen Stead
15:00 Westfall Sentinel Hill
16:00 Westfall Moonbrook
17:00 Westfall Lighthouse
18:00 Redridge Mountains Lakeshire
20:00 Redridge Mountains Stonewatch Keep
21:00 Duskwood Darkshire
22:00 Blasted Lands Garrison Armory
23:00 Blasted Lands Nethergarde
24:00 Burning Steppes Statue of Anduin Lothar
25:00 Wetlands The Lost Fleet (Kul'Tiras)
26:00 Wetlands Menethil Harbor
28:30 Dustwallow Marsh Theramore / Jaina Proudmore
31:00 The Barrens Northwatch Hold
33:00 Durotar Tiragarde Keep
34:00 Arathi Highlands Refuge Pointe (Stromgarde)
35:00 Arathi Highlands Stromgarde Keep
38:00 Arathi Highlands Thoradin's Wall
39:00 Hillsbrad Foothills Durnholde Keep / Syndicate
41:00 Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore / Tavern
46:00 Alterac Mountains Ruins of Alterac
48:00 Hillsbrad Foothills Hillsbrad Fields
49:00 Alterac Mountains Dalaran (Ruins)
51:00 Silverpine Forest Ambermill (Dalaran)
52:00 Silverpine Forest The Greymane Wall (Gilneas)
54:00 Silverpine Forest Pyrewood Village & Shadowfang Keep
55:00 Eastern Plaguelands Stratholme
56:00 Tirisfal Glade Ruins of Lordaeron
59:00 Western Plaguelands Uther's Tomb
59:00 Outro (Don't click!!)
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
Please subscribe, like and share the video to encourage me to create more content.
World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footages, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved.
Tyler Vittetoe
Michael Maaß
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