Burning Crusade Timewalking Event + Cache of Ny'alothan Treasures

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lOOt-Battle for Azeroth 8.3-Visions of N'Zoth-Burning Crusade Timewalking Event + Cache of Ny'alothan Treasures

Visions of N'Zoth Patch 8.3

Burning Crusade Timewalking Event
players level 71+ may access the Timewalking Dungeon Finder

01.A Burning Path Through Time
Complete 5 Timewalking dungeons.

quest from 'Chronicler Shoopa' or the 'Adventure Journal'

Reward : '750 Artifact Power' and 'Cache of Ny'alothan Treasures'

02.SIX! Timewalking dungeon instances you can run

Arcatraz, Black Morass, Magister's Terrace
Shattered Halls, Slave Pens and Mana-Tombs

ilvl 410 loot from Timewarped, ilvl 425 from dungeons and ilvl 445 loot from quest reward and Black Temple Raid

03.Remember you can still use old legendaries in Timewalking dungeons
Shadowmourne, Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuen, Thorasus, the Stone Heart of Draenor
and Legion : Rethu's Incessant Courage, Soul of the Highlord

now i only use Legion
[Rethu's Incessant Courage][Soul of the Highlord]

few tips
01.USE 'The Eye of Haramad' if you have it
to summon extra boss in 'Mana-Tombs'
02.kill trash do not skip them / people need XP
03.do not mass pull
04.be nice and don't be a D$#@

i got 'Vita-Charged Titanshard' Item Level 445 from Cache of Ny'alothan Treasures

'Disturbance Detected: Black Temple'
you need to kill 'Illidan Stormrage' in Black Temple

(TIP!) No One F^%$#n Cares / if you keyboard turn
or you keybind macro scratch with keyboard and mouse
WASD or Arrow Keys? (it's you call / no one else)


MUSIC Sample : BrokenShore Horde Walk Music - Blizzard Entertainment

source :
for more info ()

Royal Phalanx Gaming
