Tanking guide for Archimonde - Hellfire Citadel 6.2 - Blood Death Knight POV
24 891
Where to find me:
➞ Twitch - www.twitch.tv/Peroxcyde
➞ Twitter - www.twitter.com/Peroxcyde
➞ Battle tag - Peroxcyde#2399
➞ Armory -
I am Peroxcyde from Silvermoon EU. My main is a Blood Death Knight. I come from Mythic guild called Transcend. It is around top 100 World. I am playing World of Warcraft since the launch of Cataclysm. I've got over 120 days played on my Death Knight.
Rank 1 on Silvermoon EU -
Weak Auras:
T18, Hellfire Citadel -
Personal Cooldowns -
Soul Reaper -
The following 3 links are all together and you need to copy them all in order for them to work:
RaidCDs Part 1 -
RaidCDs Part 2 -
RaidCDs Part 3 -
Passing the Eye
/target [@mouseover, exists]
/click ExtraActionButton1
Diseases 1 Button Macro
/castsequence reset=target Icy Touch, Plague Strike
Cancle Hand of Protection
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
Mouse-over Outbreak
#showtooltip Outbreak
/cast [@mouseover][@target]Outbreak
Mouse-over Choke
/cast [target=mouseover, exists] Strangulate; Strangulate
/cast [target=mouseover, exists ]Asphyxiate; Asphyxiate
Goblin Glider
/use 15
Nitro Boost
/use 6
BigWigs -
Weak Auras -
Skada -
Exorsus Raid Tools -
Mik's Scrolling Battle Text -
Raid Buff Status -
Death Knight:
Blood Shield Tracker -
Umber Runes -
The music was provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Jim Yosef - Lights [NCS Release]
Jim Yosef:
➞ SoundCloud
➞ Facebook
➞ YouTube
wow death knight, death knight game play, blood death knight, frost death knight, unholy death knight, hellfire citadel, hellfire citadel heroic, hellfire citadel mythic, raid, pve, normal, heroic, myhtic, 100 death knight, 100 dk, 100 blood death knight, 100 unholy death knight, 100 frost death knight, 100 blood death knight guide, 100 frost death knight guide, 100 unholy death knight guide, blood death knight guide 6.2, warlords of draenor, world of warcraft pve,, world of warcraft, top raiding guild, method, paragon, midwinter, pve montage, pve montage kill video, wow pve commentary, wow gameplay commentary, wow, 6.2 death knight, wow death knight pve, wow blood death knight pve, wow death knight pvp, pvp, rbg, solo death knight, solo, peroxcyde, babyjace, skullflowers, troxism, paroxysm, fatboss, hfc, hellfire assault, iron reaver, hellfire high council, kromrok, kilrogg deadeye, gorefiend, shadow lord iskar, fel lord zakuun, xhul'horac, socrethar the eternal, tyrant velhari, mannoroth, archimonde, guide, strategy, raid, testing, ptr, tips, tricks, method, paragon, midwinter, macros, weak auras, addons, interface
➞ Twitch - www.twitch.tv/Peroxcyde
➞ Twitter - www.twitter.com/Peroxcyde
➞ Battle tag - Peroxcyde#2399
➞ Armory -
I am Peroxcyde from Silvermoon EU. My main is a Blood Death Knight. I come from Mythic guild called Transcend. It is around top 100 World. I am playing World of Warcraft since the launch of Cataclysm. I've got over 120 days played on my Death Knight.
Rank 1 on Silvermoon EU -
Weak Auras:
T18, Hellfire Citadel -
Personal Cooldowns -
Soul Reaper -
The following 3 links are all together and you need to copy them all in order for them to work:
RaidCDs Part 1 -
RaidCDs Part 2 -
RaidCDs Part 3 -
Passing the Eye
/target [@mouseover, exists]
/click ExtraActionButton1
Diseases 1 Button Macro
/castsequence reset=target Icy Touch, Plague Strike
Cancle Hand of Protection
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
Mouse-over Outbreak
#showtooltip Outbreak
/cast [@mouseover][@target]Outbreak
Mouse-over Choke
/cast [target=mouseover, exists] Strangulate; Strangulate
/cast [target=mouseover, exists ]Asphyxiate; Asphyxiate
Goblin Glider
/use 15
Nitro Boost
/use 6
BigWigs -
Weak Auras -
Skada -
Exorsus Raid Tools -
Mik's Scrolling Battle Text -
Raid Buff Status -
Death Knight:
Blood Shield Tracker -
Umber Runes -
The music was provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Jim Yosef - Lights [NCS Release]
Jim Yosef:
➞ SoundCloud
➞ YouTube
wow death knight, death knight game play, blood death knight, frost death knight, unholy death knight, hellfire citadel, hellfire citadel heroic, hellfire citadel mythic, raid, pve, normal, heroic, myhtic, 100 death knight, 100 dk, 100 blood death knight, 100 unholy death knight, 100 frost death knight, 100 blood death knight guide, 100 frost death knight guide, 100 unholy death knight guide, blood death knight guide 6.2, warlords of draenor, world of warcraft pve,, world of warcraft, top raiding guild, method, paragon, midwinter, pve montage, pve montage kill video, wow pve commentary, wow gameplay commentary, wow, 6.2 death knight, wow death knight pve, wow blood death knight pve, wow death knight pvp, pvp, rbg, solo death knight, solo, peroxcyde, babyjace, skullflowers, troxism, paroxysm, fatboss, hfc, hellfire assault, iron reaver, hellfire high council, kromrok, kilrogg deadeye, gorefiend, shadow lord iskar, fel lord zakuun, xhul'horac, socrethar the eternal, tyrant velhari, mannoroth, archimonde, guide, strategy, raid, testing, ptr, tips, tricks, method, paragon, midwinter, macros, weak auras, addons, interface