The (almost) Complete History of World of Warcraft
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Have you ever wondered who that raid boss you just killed was, how all those Hordes are different, or why Khadgar can't keep a portal closed? Well wonder no more, because in this episode I'm explaining the entire history of Azeroth!
This is a video I've been planning for over a year and after a month of work I'm incredibly proud of the result. Enjoy!
All writing, editing, and recording was done by me.
Cinematics, models, and the artistic depictions of Sargeras and the Burning Legion are made by Blizzard Entertainment.
The depictions of the Titan Azeroth and the Alliance of Lordaeron were graciously provided by Hipnosworld on Deviantart (
In game models were isolated using the Narcissus addon or the Wowhead model viewer.
My site:
And as always, thanks for watching!
0:00 Ordering of Azeroth
0:40 The Burning Legion
1:09 Fall of Argus
1:46 Zandalari Empire
2:07 Kaldorei Empire
2:20 The War of the Ancients
3:14 The Sundering
3:42 Rise of Humans
4:24 Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt
4:56 Azeroth Before the First War/Creation of the Horde
6:33 The First War
7:08 The Second War
8:17 Azeroth After The Second War
8:42 Destruction of Draenor
9:29 Creation of the Lich King
9:43 Formation of the Horde (the big one)
10:00 The Scourge of Lordaeron
10:13 The Third War
12:34 The Frozen Throne
13:40 Azeroth Before World of Warcraft
14:14 World of Warcraft
14:54 The Burning Crusade
15:44 Wrath of the Lich King
17:08 The Cataclysm
18:09 Mists of Pandaria
19:02 Warlords of Draenor
20:25 Legion
21:43 Battle for Azeroth
22:42 Buildup to Shadowlands
22:53 Ending
This is a video I've been planning for over a year and after a month of work I'm incredibly proud of the result. Enjoy!
All writing, editing, and recording was done by me.
Cinematics, models, and the artistic depictions of Sargeras and the Burning Legion are made by Blizzard Entertainment.
The depictions of the Titan Azeroth and the Alliance of Lordaeron were graciously provided by Hipnosworld on Deviantart (
In game models were isolated using the Narcissus addon or the Wowhead model viewer.
My site:
And as always, thanks for watching!
0:00 Ordering of Azeroth
0:40 The Burning Legion
1:09 Fall of Argus
1:46 Zandalari Empire
2:07 Kaldorei Empire
2:20 The War of the Ancients
3:14 The Sundering
3:42 Rise of Humans
4:24 Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt
4:56 Azeroth Before the First War/Creation of the Horde
6:33 The First War
7:08 The Second War
8:17 Azeroth After The Second War
8:42 Destruction of Draenor
9:29 Creation of the Lich King
9:43 Formation of the Horde (the big one)
10:00 The Scourge of Lordaeron
10:13 The Third War
12:34 The Frozen Throne
13:40 Azeroth Before World of Warcraft
14:14 World of Warcraft
14:54 The Burning Crusade
15:44 Wrath of the Lich King
17:08 The Cataclysm
18:09 Mists of Pandaria
19:02 Warlords of Draenor
20:25 Legion
21:43 Battle for Azeroth
22:42 Buildup to Shadowlands
22:53 Ending