8 Things I Wish I Knew When Starting WoW PvP & Arena
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Getting ready for WoW PvP in Shadowlands will be quite the task for new players, so I decided to share some of the tips I wish I knew prior to starting PvP & Arena in World of Warcraft. I will be covering how to record your own gameplay, recommending streamers that are experts on various classes, as well as offering resources to gather information on desired stats. I also offer guides on for improving your UI as well as various PvP addons that should improve your overall awareness. Check the links below for the information discussed in this video. Thank you for your time!
Patreon Vod Review:
Finding Partners - Discord:
Recording Software:
Nvidia Shadowplay -
Loot District:
Live Stream (M-W-F 12PM PST):
Class Streamers:
Warlock -
Mage -
Priest -
Discipline Priest
Shadow Priest
Warrior -
(taking a break)
Monk -
Mistweaver Monk
Windwalker Monk
Hunter -
Shaman -
Restoration Shaman
Enhancement Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Rogue -
Paladin -
Holy Paladin
Retribution Paladin
Druid -
Restoration Druid
Balance Druid
Feral Druid
Death Knight -
Demon Hunter -
UI Videos:
Addon Videos:
Omnibar Addon (Set up video):
Patreon Vod Review:
Finding Partners - Discord:
Recording Software:
Nvidia Shadowplay -
Loot District:
Live Stream (M-W-F 12PM PST):
Class Streamers:
Warlock -
Mage -
Priest -
Discipline Priest
Shadow Priest
Warrior -
(taking a break)
Monk -
Mistweaver Monk
Windwalker Monk
Hunter -
Shaman -
Restoration Shaman
Enhancement Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Rogue -
Paladin -
Holy Paladin
Retribution Paladin
Druid -
Restoration Druid
Balance Druid
Feral Druid
Death Knight -
Demon Hunter -
UI Videos:
Addon Videos:
Omnibar Addon (Set up video):