WoW: Legion - Storylines of Val'sharah playthrough part 3 - 1080p 60fps - No commentary
Darkheart Thicket dungeon where we save Malfurion and making my way to Black rook Hold leading up to meeting the famous Jarod Shadowsong.
Doing Broken Isles Azsuna region quests as my warlock, doing warlock class hall stuff, bonus objectives, treasure hunting, accompanying rare and world quests in Azsuna.
Val'sharah is one of the zones of the Broken Isles, located in the west, north of Azsuna. It was once the pinnacle of druidism and now serves as a refuge. Long ago it was the location where Malfurion Stormrage became the first druid under the guidance of Cenarius.
Xavius the Nightmare Lord and his satyr operate here now, seeking a way to unleash the Emerald Nightmare upon the world. Demigods and Ysera will make appearances.
In Val'sharah there are:
Black Rook Hold (dungeon)
Darkheart Thicket (dungeon)
Emerald Nightmare (raid)
World of Warcraft: Legion is the 6th World of Warcraft expansion after Warlords of Draenor announced to be released on August 30, 2016. It was officially announced on Thursday, August 6, 2015 by Tom Chilton at Gamescom 2015. It was expected to be released on or before August 30, 2016.
Doom comes for the Alliance and the Horde as a great burning shadow falls over Azeroth. In this dire new chapter of the Warcraft saga, the demonic Burning Legion has returned, seeking to call forth their fallen leader — the dark titan Sargeras, Ravager of Worlds. As destruction rains across Azeroth, its heroes must seek salvation among the ruins of the Broken Isles, doomed center of ancient night elf civilization and birthplace of myths dating back to the world’s creation. In the face of hopeless odds, they must learn to master mighty Artifacts — legendary weapons that hold the potential to bring down the corrupted armies of the Legion — and strike an infernal pact with the dread Demon Hunters of the Illidari ... accursed followers of the infamous Illidan the Betrayer.
The expansion is set after the events of Warlords-Logo-Small Warlords of Draenor and returns to the prime universe where heroes brace to defend Azeroth from a third invasion of the Burning Legion. To prevent a successful attempt to bring Sargeras back into Azeroth, heroes must retrace the steps of Maiev Shadowsong to the Broken Isles as she chased Illidan to the Tomb of Sargeras in hopes of finding some forgotten tools in their new fight, including the Pillars of Creation. They also need to find the new portal in the mysterious island chain that was opened by Gul'dan (a powerful orc warlock), who came from the alternate-timeline universe of Draenor. Players must be careful, as Gul'dan may know more about the region than potentially anyone who was still alive.
At the end of Warlords-Logo-Small Warlords of Draenor, the combined Alliance-Horde forces believe they have stopped Gul'dan from completing the full return of the Burning Legion in the alternate timeline. Khadgar fortells that Gul'dan was not destroyed during the assault on Hellfire Citadel, and was sent to Azeroth in the original timeline, and has found a way to bring the original Burning Legion to attack Azeroth once again and ultimately summon Sargeras, the Legion's creator. Due to its remote location, the Burning Legion had waited patiently to invade Azeroth the third time in the original timeline, and has managed to grow larger and stronger than any in the history of Azeroth.
New features Edit
Level cap raised to 110
Additional character slot added.
To help the heroes of Azeroth prepare for the coming invasion, World of Warcraft: Legion will allow players to boost one character to level 100, including a newly created character, quickly getting them primed and ready to battle the Burning Legion alongside their friends.
Honor System: Fight for fame, glory, and a range of new PvP-specific powers as you face the opposing faction in Arenas and Battlegrounds.
Introduction of Honor Ranks and Honor Bonuses
Introduction of Prestige Ranks
Portrait badges based on PvP ranks
Class Orders, Order Halls and followers: Whether you’re paladin or warlock, unite fellow NPC members of your class’s order to carry out missions at your command.
Champions are basically Legion's Order Hall version of followers.[5]
New hero class — Demon Hunter: Unleash the demon within as an all-new melee hero class gifted with preternatural mobility—and the ability to metamorphose into hellish new forms.
New continent - Broken Isles: Discover the fate of a lost night elf civilization, confront twisted fragments of the Emerald Nightmare, and hunt agents of the Legion in all-new zones.
Doing Broken Isles Azsuna region quests as my warlock, doing warlock class hall stuff, bonus objectives, treasure hunting, accompanying rare and world quests in Azsuna.
Val'sharah is one of the zones of the Broken Isles, located in the west, north of Azsuna. It was once the pinnacle of druidism and now serves as a refuge. Long ago it was the location where Malfurion Stormrage became the first druid under the guidance of Cenarius.
Xavius the Nightmare Lord and his satyr operate here now, seeking a way to unleash the Emerald Nightmare upon the world. Demigods and Ysera will make appearances.
In Val'sharah there are:
Black Rook Hold (dungeon)
Darkheart Thicket (dungeon)
Emerald Nightmare (raid)
World of Warcraft: Legion is the 6th World of Warcraft expansion after Warlords of Draenor announced to be released on August 30, 2016. It was officially announced on Thursday, August 6, 2015 by Tom Chilton at Gamescom 2015. It was expected to be released on or before August 30, 2016.
Doom comes for the Alliance and the Horde as a great burning shadow falls over Azeroth. In this dire new chapter of the Warcraft saga, the demonic Burning Legion has returned, seeking to call forth their fallen leader — the dark titan Sargeras, Ravager of Worlds. As destruction rains across Azeroth, its heroes must seek salvation among the ruins of the Broken Isles, doomed center of ancient night elf civilization and birthplace of myths dating back to the world’s creation. In the face of hopeless odds, they must learn to master mighty Artifacts — legendary weapons that hold the potential to bring down the corrupted armies of the Legion — and strike an infernal pact with the dread Demon Hunters of the Illidari ... accursed followers of the infamous Illidan the Betrayer.
The expansion is set after the events of Warlords-Logo-Small Warlords of Draenor and returns to the prime universe where heroes brace to defend Azeroth from a third invasion of the Burning Legion. To prevent a successful attempt to bring Sargeras back into Azeroth, heroes must retrace the steps of Maiev Shadowsong to the Broken Isles as she chased Illidan to the Tomb of Sargeras in hopes of finding some forgotten tools in their new fight, including the Pillars of Creation. They also need to find the new portal in the mysterious island chain that was opened by Gul'dan (a powerful orc warlock), who came from the alternate-timeline universe of Draenor. Players must be careful, as Gul'dan may know more about the region than potentially anyone who was still alive.
At the end of Warlords-Logo-Small Warlords of Draenor, the combined Alliance-Horde forces believe they have stopped Gul'dan from completing the full return of the Burning Legion in the alternate timeline. Khadgar fortells that Gul'dan was not destroyed during the assault on Hellfire Citadel, and was sent to Azeroth in the original timeline, and has found a way to bring the original Burning Legion to attack Azeroth once again and ultimately summon Sargeras, the Legion's creator. Due to its remote location, the Burning Legion had waited patiently to invade Azeroth the third time in the original timeline, and has managed to grow larger and stronger than any in the history of Azeroth.
New features Edit
Level cap raised to 110
Additional character slot added.
To help the heroes of Azeroth prepare for the coming invasion, World of Warcraft: Legion will allow players to boost one character to level 100, including a newly created character, quickly getting them primed and ready to battle the Burning Legion alongside their friends.
Honor System: Fight for fame, glory, and a range of new PvP-specific powers as you face the opposing faction in Arenas and Battlegrounds.
Introduction of Honor Ranks and Honor Bonuses
Introduction of Prestige Ranks
Portrait badges based on PvP ranks
Class Orders, Order Halls and followers: Whether you’re paladin or warlock, unite fellow NPC members of your class’s order to carry out missions at your command.
Champions are basically Legion's Order Hall version of followers.[5]
New hero class — Demon Hunter: Unleash the demon within as an all-new melee hero class gifted with preternatural mobility—and the ability to metamorphose into hellish new forms.
New continent - Broken Isles: Discover the fate of a lost night elf civilization, confront twisted fragments of the Emerald Nightmare, and hunt agents of the Legion in all-new zones.