Antoran High Command | Heroic Antorus the Burning Throne | EnhShaman [WoW Legion 7.3.2]

5 079
Bay's EnhShaman & Pod PoV of Heroic Antoran High Command.
World of Warcraft: Legion - Patch 7.3.2 | 11/28/2017
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Footage in this video is from Crisp's server 1st victory
over Heroic Antoran High Command bosses in Antorus, Tier 21.

Crisp's WarcraftLogs for this boss:
▪️ Set to private during progression.

Crisp's Website:

Bay's Thumbnail/Boss Art by:

Updated end card art by:

Download Bay's Legion UI:

Bay's Build for this Boss:
▪️ Leggos: EotN & Smoldering Heart
▪️ LS / AS / Tempest / Fury of Air / Earthen Spike

Assortment of Weak Auras for Antorus:
▪️ | by Causese


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