Bicmex | R1 Survival Hunter | 9.1 PvP Guide | COMPLETE ULTIMATE GUIDE

145 754
🛑 Venthyr Flayed Shot Haste Breakpoints - 0.1% Haste = 10 Ticks | 11.12% Haste = 11 Ticks | 22.23% Haste = 12 Ticks | 33.34% Haste = 13 Ticks 🛑



Addons and my WTF Folder can be found in my discord for free! :)

0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Talents
29:05 - PvP Talents
45:15 - Gear/Stats
50:57 - Soulbinds/Conduits
56:25 - Pet
1:03:15 - Dealing Damage
1:10:12 - Arena Footage 1
1:19:21 - Arena Footage 2
1:24:15 - Arena Footage 3
1:33:04 - Arena Footage 4
1:46:03 - Dealing Damage Part 2
1:49:15 - Legendary
1:51:56 - Random Ramble/Addons/Macros etc
1:58:41 - Spell Queue Window
2:04:35 - Team Comps